Teaching as a Profession b.ed notes | Teaching and Learning

Teaching as a Profession: In the field of Education Teaching is that Profession which makes other profession possible. In present there are many teaching oriented courses as B.Ed, (Bachelor of Education) M.Ed etc. which provides knowledge and skills and prepare an individual for the teaching career.

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professional teacher
  • Sugegested Article
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What is teaching?

Teaching is all those systematic activates where the more experienced people influence the less experience one and modifies the behavior according to the needs and ideas of society.

The word Teaching means “to instruct someone

According to Morrison:

“Teaching is an intimate contact between a more mature personality and a less mature one which is designed to further the education of the later”

Teaching as a Profession

Teaching as a profession it simply means to make the students learn, it is two way process where teacher impart knowledge to the students and the students acquire knowledge from teacher.

It is concerned all round development of an individual. The success of all other career depends on this profession because all the other career is the product of teaching profession. I.e. doctor, engineer, lawye etc what a person does in their particular field is due to the instruction that he received from a teacher.

According to A.P.J. Abdul kalam

“Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber and future of an individual.”

  • Also read: The stages of teaching

Important points related to Teaching Profession

1. When a person joins in teaching he/she should take teaching as a vocation and he should have aptitude for it.

2. He should have mastery over the subject matter.

3. To make teaching career he should behave like a teacher and also looks like a teacher must have a good dressing sense.

4. He should have some ethics or moral character ethical teaching.

5. Teachers should know the aims and objectives of teaching

6. And Teachers should have the knowledge about psychology for better advancement of teaching.

7. Teachers must know the methods and techniques of teaching.

8. He should know the maxims of teaching.


Thus, it is very necessary to keep up to date their efficiency as a pre-condition to improve the quality of teaching. A teacher has to improve his/her qualification for the better advancement in this career. Teaching profession is considered as a specialized profession it as a unique and respectful profession in society which can not be compare to any other career.

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