Peer culture, role of peers in gender inequality
Concept of peer culture
Peer culture and gender bias. The term peer culture refers to the people who are equal is such respect as age, education, social class, etc. peer group plays an important role in the process of socialization of an individual. The development of children, socializing skills are greatly influence by their peer group.
Role of peers in gender inequality
The mjor influence on gender role socialization include parents, the school,the media and peers. When children enters into the school life, they develop friendship with both same sex and opposite sex. They continue to dvelop new ideas. As they enter into the larger world of friends and school.
A children learns how to negotiate and relete others including their siblings and family members from their friends. They also learn the technique of co-operation and socialization according to the group’s norms and groups accepted model of behavior. Their values, dressing style foods, likes, and dislikes are also influenced by the culture of the group.
In the early years of life children develop a sense of self from the perception of people in the surroundin like parents, siblings, relatives, teachers,. But later on as they leave home and start schooling, their personality is very much influenced by peer group, how their peer view them is play important role in their life. Peer group serves as a platforms for teaching its members, gender role. Through gender role socialization the member of the group learn about sex differences, social and cultural expectations.
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Peer group
The peer group may consist of either all male members or female members and may also a mixture of both. But studies shows that most of the peer groups are unisex which results the reinforcement in gender inequality.
Peer group can help a lot in removing gender inequality in school and society. The attitude of the teachers in the classroom should be gender neutral. He should use word such as people, children etc. which are gender bias free.
Children’s attitude towards the others sex is also highly influenced by the home environment and patterns of upbringing. If the girl children of the family are not treated equal to the boys then those children develop the feeling of gender inequality. The school also must try to provide an environment where the boys and girls get a chance to mix with each other and develops a gender neutral mentality. So that the stereotype reinforcement can remove from society. Thus, from all the stages a child’s social interaction with the peers is highly significant.