Team Teaching | Concept | Types & Characterists | b.ed notes

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In Teaching Learning Process a teacher uses various teaching strategies, techniques, Teaching Principles and Method of Teaching. A teacher does a variety of task in the classroom for an effective way so that the desired objectives are achieved.  Team Teaching is one of the methods of teaching that a teacher use in teaching learning process.  Let’s dive into the topic types, merits and demerits of it.

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  • Merits & Demerits of Teach Teaching
  • Procedures of Team Teaching

What is team teaching?

Team teaching is an innovative way of teaching.  It is a recent idea in teaching large groups in which a group of expert teachers are involved in planning executing and evaluating the learning experiences of a group of students. And it is also known as co-teaching.

It is a very recent development in the field of education where a team of expert teachers teach collectively in their respective fields. First developed in USA in the year 1950.

According to Naik:

“In team teaching method two of more teacher plan of the subject co-operatively, carry in out and always evaluate its effective on the students periodically.”

“Team teaching is that teaching Learning processes where two or more teachers co-operatively formulate a plan carry it out, evaluate its fruitfulness as it relates to a specific group of students.” S.G. Callahan.

Origin and concept:

It first originated in USA around 1950. Harvard university for the first time introduced the technique of team teaching with a group of five teachers trainees. Francis Chase of Chicago University and J.Leyod Trump contribute for the growth of the concept of . And was successfull for popularising the concept in the secondary schools in USA.

The concept of team teaching is not limited in the field of education it also extended in the field of armed force training devices. England came to know about this technique in around 1960 then they applied in schools and colleges. In 1970, Joseph Lancaster from UK who developed a system in team teaching. In this system, an expert teacher taught a few bright students, who then formed a team and taught their fellow students. The concept of teach teaching was quite popular in the west in 70’s itself. But in came to India vary late till date many of the teachers are unaware about this concept.

Types of team teaching:

 1 Teaching within a single discipline.

  • In this type of teaching the teachers co-operate with each other in the same subject. For instance the subject English may be taught by two or more teachers in the same class.

2 A team of expert teachers to the same course.

  • Different teachers who are expert in their own course. They are ask to teach the same course together. For example social course may teach social or English teachers in the same class.

3 Combined team with related innovation

  • Few teachers are interested some innovation here in teaching time combined to teach in a group. i.e. one teacher newly introduce one point other teacher introduce one skill or used TLM in the same class.
Objectives :
  • The main objectives of co-teaching is to develop cooperation among teachers so that they can solve the problems arise in teaching learning process.
  • To develop the quality of teaching.
  • And to identify and remove the difficulties of students in the specific subject.
  • To utilize the talent and expertise of the teachers in an efficient way.
  • Another objective is to reduce the chances of errors occurring in teaching learning process.
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Important features /characteristics :

1. There is a more than one teacher cooperatively teaches a group of students.

2. Co-teaching is a co-ordinate effort of planning executing and evaluating the teaching work.

3. It is designed for a specific group of students.

4. Co-teaching involves a group of expert teacher rather than a single one person.

5. Teach teaching is for the instructional purpose and not for the training strategy.

6. The resources like expert teachers knowledge and skills of the teachers used for the benefit of the students.

Merits and demerits of teach teaching:

Some of the important merits and demerits of teach teaching are continue reading

Conclusion team teaching

In summing up co-teaching is a new concept in education. This can bring a great change in teaching-learning process. Three to four teachers of the same subject form a group and use their own talent to teach a particular topic to the same group of students in a class.


What is Team Teaching?

Team Teaching is a new method. It is teaching collectively by a team of expert teachers in their respective field.

What is the importance of team teaching?

Team Teaching is very important for the improvement in the quality instruction. It also helps to utilise the potentiality and expertise of teachers in the best possible way.

When and where was team teaching introduced?

Team teaching was first started in USA in 1950. In 1955, Harvard University of USA for the first time introduced this technique.

Who developed team teaching

Francis Chase of Chicago university and J.Leyod Trump contributes for the growth of the concept team teaching. And successfully popularise the concept in secondary schools in USA.

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